
Student Corner


Written by: Girwan Paudyal - 21107, Grade XII

Posted on: 28 July, 2020

The T.V. blares loudly, remote’s two feet away,

I sit here lousily, unwilling to move away.

Clothes strewn on the floor, beard unkempt;

All have come to a standstill, nothing’s even to tempt.

“Mom, I’m hungry. Can you please bring something?”

To eat and sleep is to live; all else has fallen to nothing.

Books gather dust, clothes gather dust, the outdoors is tempting.

Still my eye fixates on screens, my limbs scream to move but my brain is haunting.

Thoughts now surround me now instead of people;

I laugh, rage, and argue with my own thoughts, they are my keypals.

Is it even worth laughing anymore? This feels heavy.

But hey, these are just the laments of a couch potato!

I lay here typing, wishing I could say ‘I gotta go’!