
Student Corner

The Bloom is Off the rose

Written by: Shruti Pokhrel - 21124, Grade XI

Posted on: 24 October, 2019

Adorable aroma has  gone 
The thorns are blunt 
And those creepy leaves are dried 
The petals have been burnt 
And the roots are losing the tight 
Oh! Its beauty is on leave, 
So, the stem is weak to pose 
Ecstasy is still to give 
But the bloom is off the rose 

Nothing is forever 
The rose when red 
Was too far from the fear 
The earth was its bed 
And the sky was clear. 
Breeze was its doorbell 
And the rainbow was dear
Now it’s-God is in hell.
The bloom is off the rose
The thorns were crushed 
And the leaves were torn, 
The pollens were brushed 
And the petals were thrown 
The cloud is rainlessly dense 
And the land is bare rock, 

The wind has lost its sense, 
And the sun is suffering a block 
In the zenith of depth, 
When the rose is enlightened, 
The bloom is not it 
And its frightened. 
The bloom is off the rose 
The red is not by itself. 

It deceived the earth, 
Stole from the wind 
And lured the sun 
The rain was obliged to fall and that is all