
Student Corner


Written by: Aavash Dhakal - 21101, Grade XI

Posted on: 20 October, 2019

Some of you maybe like, yeah I know, it's that old TV series, well yes you aren't wrong but for me…

‘Friends’ are those people with different origins, who were strangers at first but time and trust made them a family, the family that you cannot forget nor can you afford to lose. Friends, they are the family we choose, the people with whom we want to have fun and spend quality time. Friendship is the bond created on its own with those people, the bond that you don’t want to break. This bond is a feeling for some and this feeling grows stronger especially when you find someone who understands you better than anyone, who cares about you more than anyone, that person is your best friend. He/She will never let go of you no matter the situation, no matter the odds. To my understanding, friends may remain for a reasonable period of time, but a best friend will stay with you till the end of time, even if hell freezes over.

So, the point here is friends are valuable, keep them, love them, adore them but don't lose them.