
Student Corner

A Nowhere Poem

Written by: Sashank Karmacharya - 20123, Grade XII

Posted on: 17 October, 2019

It’s 11:
I sit down to write a poem.

Ideas in my mind wriggle;
Yes, there has to be some.

Did I overestimate myself?

I can’t think of any words.
Who would have known that writing
Would be so difficult?

It is making my brain brawl.

Hell, this wasn’t supposed
To be that hard!

Now I need something to rhyme with it:
How about the guard?

Is it the writer’s block
Or am I just a fraud
Making excuses,
for this is so much harder than I thought?

How about a girl? 
Or my dog?
Sure, love would be a great idea
To write about.

Alright, I’ll just finish the poem
Tomorrow morn.