
Student Corner

Grade I students share their experiences about Zoo Visit and Swimming

Written by: Nitika Kapali and Bishakha Upadhyay - 28019 & 28012, Grade I

Posted on: 07 August, 2018

Nitika Kapali

On June 5th, my classmates and I had a trip to the zoo with our teachers. We saw many deers and peacocks. After that we saw three rhinos. Then we saw three bears. They were playing in the pond. Two of them were fighting. And then we saw a tiger sleeping inside a cage. We had a photo session with an elephant. We washed our hands and took a lunch break for a while. After lunch we saw ostriches and colorful birds. Then we returned to school. 

Bishakha Upadhyay

On June 10th, I went swimming with my teachers and friends. I enjoyed a lot. I chose the smaller pool. We can not swim without a tube in the big pool. There were many people. We were hungry and tired after swimming. We changed our wet clothes and came back to our school. In school, we ate lunch and played games.