
Student Corner


Written by: Deeva Shrestha - 28016, Grade VI

Posted on: 07 July, 2021

The use of tools, materials, technique and sources of power to make work easier and more productive is called technology. In this century, technology has made our lives easier and comfortable. For example, previously people used to write letters and messages on paper and it would take a long time to deliver them. But, now we have technology by which we can just text or call our relatives and friends whenever we want and it won’t take a long time.

There are mainly three types of technology. They are: Industrial technology, information technology and creative technology.
Industrial technology 
It is the process of organizing engineering and manufacturing various things for faster, simpler and more efficient production. 
Information technology
It is the process of using telecommunication and computers for sending, receiving or storing information. 
Creative technology
It is the process of  combining arts, advertising and product design. 

Though technology is very useful in our daily life, there are both pros and cons of technology. Some of the advantages of technology are: 
Technology has increased effectiveness and helped many industries which has made work a lot easier. 
It also has made an easy way for communication with our relatives and friends by using different methods like telephone, mobiles, internet, emails, applications like WhatsApp, Viber, Messenger etc. Because of communication technology, we could take online classes during this pandemic period. 
It helps us to complete a task in less time and we can utilize the time for other activities. That means it saves our time.
It helps us to explore different types of information. For example on the internet, using search engines like Google to find out the information. 

Some of the disadvantages of technology are:
Extensive use of technology can cause different kinds of diseases like damage to eyesight and hearing, physical injuries, back pain etc. 
The extensive use of technology can also cause mobile addiction, depression, social isolation and anxiety.
People now are very dependent on technology by which they lose their health, creativity and skills. 
Apart from these, it can also cause pollution. Air and  water are polluted by vehicles and factories and noise pollution is caused by aircrafts, industrial machines, factories etc.

Technology is very useful in today's world. It makes our work much easier and comfortable. But if we use too much technology it can also cause diseases and other problems. So we should use technology but should not be too much dependent on them.