
Student Corner

Power of Dreams

Written by: Kristina Rai - 27006, Grade VII

Posted on: 27 June, 2021

I believe in never giving up on dreams. Most people give up on their dreams not because of themselves but almost always because of other people around them telling them they can’t do something. But that's not good because you put your dreams and goals in your heart and never give up. Dreaming is one of the sweetest things ever, we always dream about things we love and hope. Each one of us have aims in life, like travelling to a favorite place, meeting a famous person, moving to a different country.The truth of the matter is that reality is not always on our side. Even when we are trying to do our best in order to make our dreams come true, we sometimes don’t manage to do it.The most important thing is to fight, this is the most apparent proof that we have tried our hardest to obtain what we want. First of all, never take to heart when others say we should give up, because no one else can restrain our freedom and liberty. Challenging yourself is the most important thing to do till the end. We should show others around us that we have goals, aims, ambitions and dreams no matter what they say.But,no matter if you know that you can do it, just do it until you achieve success. I have made a promise to myself to never give up on the dream. Although if we believe in the power of dream there is everything possible you can do in life. If we work hard and really focus and believe in our dream, one day you will be proud of yourself for never giving up.You will know that if you have faith and passion from striving for your dream, anything can be achieved. Dreams are big, never give up,it is the most important thing we can do for ourselves. Never lose focus on what you aim for in life, the idea is to never build barriers in your heart and do everything with love. People who fight against the wind always have a chance to gain, because they prefer the risk and gain experiences. So never give up and keep working to fulfill your dreams. It will one day for sure come true.