
Student Corner

Israel-Palestine conflict

Written by: Sauharda Bajracharya - 26010, Grade VIII

Posted on: 10 June, 2021

We all know that how Hitler killed millions of Jews. But, Jews have been treated badly in the past. It all started hundreds and thousands of years ago. It is said that Jesus Christ was born in a Jewish family and due to this many Christians tried to crucify Jews. When there were many crusades hundreds of years ago, many Christians killed jews in a high amount. At that time there were many rumors like how Jews had drunk Christian children’s blood and how they used children for religious rituals. Jews had to bear all of this until the 1800s when the Jews started feeling that other countries don't trust them and in order to stay in peace, they need their own country. In the 1880s, Many Jews demanded their own separate country. And due to this, a large migration of Jews took place in 1881, the Jews made permanent settlements in Palestine. At that time, there was no Israel, Gaza, or the West Bank. It was just Palestine and Palestine fell under the Ottoman empire. Now let's fast forward to 1915, World war I had begun and the British, French, and the Arabs were fighting against the Ottoman empire. And this is where the story takes a turn, the British played it very cleverly and told the Arabs that they would give Palestine to them, will be theirs and they promised the same to the Jews, But the British had already made a deal with the French that they would divide the Middle East. So when the Ottoman empire lost WWI, France and Britain divided the Middle East region and The British took control over the Palestine region. Now after the year 1948, Hitler started killing the Jews and many Jews had to flee from Europe and go to Palestine but the British refused to let the Jews in which lead to the Israeli Nationalist Movement and then after some years British had enough of controlling Palestine, so they handed it over to the United Nations and United Nations divided a certain part for Palestine and certain part for the jews. The two countries agreed, but their neighboring countries did not like it and Israel’s neighboring countries started wars for several years. Israel alone constantly won all the wars. And in 1993, there was a peace accord between the Israeli Prime Minister and the Palestinian prime minister. The peace accord was successful and the two prime ministers were also awarded a Nobel Award. But this is where everything falls apart, the prime minister of Israel gets assassinated and many terrorist groups start to form in both countries. They were many riots, suicide bombings and Several bombing and protests were made in both countries and from that assassination since today, the two countries have been in a conflict. 

Reference: ‘The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: A Historiographic Essay, Melissa Thiel, 2017’