
Student Corner

Animal abuse

Written by: Simona Sirish - 26011, Grade VIII

Posted on: 07 June, 2021

The cruelty done towards animals is called animal abuse. Some of the cruelty is beating, killing, burning, kicking, etc. Many people love animals while some hate animals for no reason. Animals also have their life; they are also in this world for a purpose. Like we, every human has feelings, animals also do have the same. 1 million animals are abused in a year now you can guess how many animals are abused daily in a day, week, or month. Some people might know about it a few months ago there was a stray dog who was trying to play with a child but the people of that area thought the dog is trying to bite the kid so two men came and tie the dog to an electric pole and beat that dog so cruelly with iron rode and spade until it died. That dog might have shouted and cried so badly but in the area, the people who were around just started taking videos without stopping those two people. The video was posted online and a few animal rescue teams came to that area but sadly the dog was no longer alive. I heard that the video was too cruelly beaten, so the video got deleted from all online webs. There was a protest for that dog which people named it as ‘khaira’. Just like that many animals get abused. We should spread awareness about all of this and just stop those people who abuse the animals. If a person was in the place of the animals how much would have hurt them. Just like the animals who are abused we will also get hurt. We should also understand their feelings. The dog is one of the animals that is commonly abused, we can see on roads as well some people just kick the dog away for no reason. It’s just that we should stop animal abuse. It's too painful and we all know what karma is and karma will hit that person back for doing those cruelties. Abuse towards anyone innocent, animal or people should be taken seriously.