
Student Corner

Journal -Narayanhiti Palace

Written by: Monika Karki - 20007, Grade X

Posted on: 28 April, 2019

On January 28, we, the students of grade 8, 9 and 10 went on a visit to Narayanhiti Durbar Palace. We, the students of grade 9 were especially happy because it was the first time we were visiting Narayanhiti

We were all happy and excited about the visit. We headed from school to the palace at 10:30 am. The students of grade 8 and 9 were on a bus and the other half of grade 9 were on the other bus. We were at our destination within 15 minutes.We went inside with our teachers and friends. When we entered the garden of Narayanhiti, we were so amazed by that view. The view of the bullets of the guns was breathtaking. There were 7 bullet-marks at the backyard of the palace. As we entered the palace I saw a real skinny fur of a bear which had a head on it. It was laid on the floor of the conference room. The palace was looking like a royal home.

It was actually a great place to visit. We got a great opportunity to see all of the rooms that were distinguished by the names of districts, the conference room, a makeup room, bedrooms, a tika room, and birthday celebrating rooms. We also saw the place where the king, the queen, the princes, and the princesses died or were killed.

Visiting the palace was a really fun experience. The visit was ended by a group photo in front of the Narayanhiti Palace Museum. It was a very memorable day of my life. I enjoyed learning about the history of my country.