
Student Corner

LGBTQ Community

Written by: Krishma Thapa - 27005, Grade VII

Posted on: 20 May, 2021

The LGBT community also known as the LGBTQ community, GLBT community or the gay community is a loosely defined grouping of lessbian, gay, bisexuala or transgender community.These terms are used to describe a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity.These communitites generally celebrate pride, diversity, individuality, and sexuality.LGBT+ History month is a month-long annual celebration of LGBTQ coummunity.In the untied kingdom it is celebrated in Feburary each year to coincide with the 2003 abolition of section 28.
 The Gay community is frequently associated with certain symbols, specially the rainbow or rainbow flags.There are many flags to represent subdivision in the gay community.The current struggle of the gay community have been largely brought about by globalization. The contemporary lesbian ar gay communtiy has a growing and complex place in the America and western European media. In the United States, gay people are frequently used as a symbol of social decadence by celebrity evangelists and by organizatons such as Focus on Family.As we all used social medias likewise social media is a  often platform fot the LGBT community to share resources on.According to Witeck-Combs Communications the 2006 buying power of the United States gays and lesbians was approximately $660 billion and was expected to exceed $835 billion by 2011.However, the gay youth are consider to be at higher risk for sucide.Being gay in and of itself is not the cause of the increase in sucide.
Sucide attempts were significantly associated with psychosocial stressor, family problems etc. In a way the LGBT community needs to stop counter -hate. People need to learn to respect sexual orientation and gender identity. Equality and freedom from discrimination are fundamental human rights that belongs to everyone. However, lesbian, gay, transgende, bisexual people in the Asia Pacafic region can experience shocking level of violence, harassement and discrimination. This includes extra- judicial killing, torture, rape, unfair trials and in case of women forced pregnancy or forced marriage can be considered. They face exclusion and discrimination in relation to work. In April 2020, LGBTI activists and allies from different countries came up together to develop a roadmap of equality. All anybody is trying to do is live their lives and given the service, be treated with respect as anyone else is treated. All gay communiy want is equality. 

Discrimination in health care setting endangers LGBTQ peoples lives through delay of medcally necessary care.Despite existing protections LGBTQ people face disturbing rates if health care discrimination- from harassment and humiliation by providers to being turned away by hospital and doctors.It is direct dicrimination to treat people less favourably because of peoples sexual orientation that some of a different sexual would be treated in the same circumstances. It is also direct discriminate to treat  you less favorably because of the sexual orientation of someone you may know such as family member or friends maybe relatives too.Being a gay is not a shame itself. Gay people going through harrasements make them feel like they are a shame. LGBTQ People are prefect but its just how the society judges it.For information harassing LGBTQ people is a crime.It is indirect sexual orientation discrimination to have a role, policy which someone of a prarticual sexual orientation is less likely to meet.
Educational establishments such as schools, colleges and universities are not allowed to treat people differently because of their sexual orientation. Yep, it may take a while to accept  such a personality or gender but it is fine. Harassments are mainly done in Asian countries.Like in our country only few people rarely stand or respect LGBTQ coommunity. Nepali people or typical parents thing what will society think if their son/daughter is gay.They always think about how society will judge upon them. Due to such family problems or getting judged by society many gay poeple are homeless. The people who believe in superstitions think such people are bad luck to the family and society.In European or American countries gay people dont have to go through such problems. Mostly parents support their child being a gay becuase it is natural , some have such indications of being another gender from their childhood because of their harmones.
We all should not discriminate LGBTQ commuinty because  they may feel unfair of their own life and their existence and the discrimination based on gender may cause a person to be suicidal. Hence, we must give room to update and upgrade our minds and thoughts to allow all humans to live their lives as they should.