
Student Corner

Mao Zedong

Written by: Sauharda Bajracharya - 26010, Grade VIII

Posted on: 13 May, 2021

Mao Zedong commonly known as Chairman Mao was a Chinese communist and the founder of the People’s Republic of China. He was born in Hunan province of China on 26th December 1893. He ruled as the Chairman of the Chinese Communist Party from 1949 until his death in 1976. He was a son of a farmer and his neighbourhood was poor. He read in a small school in his village and by the age of 13, he was working in the field and his father  was not very pleased with that. So, his father arranged a marriage for him which he refused but it is said that he later married that girl. At age 17, he left home and went to Hoonah for secondary education. At that time, China was ruled by the Qing dynasty which was weak. So, Sun Yat Sen overthrew the Qing dynasty and made the Republic of China. In 1917, Vladimir Lenin overthrew the Russian Royal Family establishing The Soviet Union. By 1918, He had completed his Secondary Education and he wanted to go home but his mother passed away. So, he went to Beijing and got a job there. By that time, He had heard about the Russian communist revolution and he was one of the first few people to join the Chinese Communist party. The Communist party and the Nationalist party got together and Mao supported both parties but as time passed, he got more into the Communist party and he got a high rank in the communist party and when Sun Yat Sen died, his successor broke the relation between the two parties. Mao sent an army of peasants to fight the Nationalist party and the Nationalist party won. In 1937, Japan invaded China and the Nationalist couldn’t defeat both Communist and the Japanese, so the Nationalists teamed up with the Communists and defeated the Japanese. After the war ended, Nationalists and the Communists broke their relation and then the war between the Nationalists and the Communists began, which was the Chinese Communist Revolution and the Communists won and the Nationalists all ran to Taiwan. Mao Zedong made many reforms in China including better education, women rights, better health facilities and much more. Mao Zedong  established Maoism (his own communism). Mao said that every flower raised will be one school raised and when many flowers were raised, Mao thought that he would lose his power so he killed the chinese people creating an Anti-Rightist Campaign. Fast forward some years, Mao Zedong wanted to develop agriculture and industries and he gave poor people and farmers land to grow crops. But, what he didn’t know is that when floods struck in China, the crops got destroyed and the farmers also went to industries. With no food because of the floods, 40 million people starved to death. Mao, in the later years established the Red Army which killed innocent people and educated people were sent to concentration camps to be re-educated. Mao Zedong passed away on September 9th in 1976. Many reforms were made after his death. And, China till this day is a Communist country. Mao Zedong is considered an evil person that killed millions but he also made many good reforms in his country.