
Student Corner

Discrimination Based On Gender

Written by: Aayusi Shrestha - 26002, Grade VIII

Posted on: 09 May, 2021

Discrimination is when someone is treated unfairly and badly. Gender discrimination means treating an individual differently based upon his or her gender. Mainly in villages girls and boys are treated differently. Girls and women are treated unfairly than boys. Many girls in the villages are uneducated and do household chores all day, while the boys go to school. Many girls, especially those from the poorest families, still face gender discrimination in education. Though people are aware of gender discrimination but some are not and alot of people have to go through this. Most people believe that only girls are discriminated against but boys are discriminated against too. People often say that boys aren't as discriminated against as girls. Even though the rate of boys being discriminated against is much lesser than girls, people still need to understand that boys are also discriminated against. If a girl wears short clothes then she is judged by the society and if a girl wears kurtas then she is judged too. If a boy paints his nails, wears skirts, puts on makeup or uses accessories and pink stuff then he is considered as less men. People need to stop thinking this and start treating everyone equally. Discrimination can lead people into depression and can even make them suicidal. Gender inequality is one of the biggest problems in the world. The fact that it still exists and makes a lot of people suffer its consequences every day. Gender discrimination cannot be solved easily. However, with progressive thoughts of people and education, we have to trust gender inequality being stopped in the future. Hopefully, one day people can live a fair life no matter what gender they belong to.