
Student Corner

 Autobiography of a lonely dog

Written by: Aakanchya Khadka - 27001, Grade VII

Posted on: 04 May, 2021

 I was a street dog in Kathmandu city. My mom passed when she gave birth to me . My sibling did not make it up with me. It was hard to get food for me. I still remember it was mid-winter days in kathmandu. I was still a puppy. I was very cold outside in the streets of Kathmandu. I was searching for a warm place to sleep at night and eventually I found a small cardboard box with some old clothes to sleep with .Then the next morning as I woke and found a person staring at me. I was shocked for a while .That day many people came across my box and some even gave me food . It was the happiest day of my life. That day some kid  came to me and also had a puppy with them and played with me. Then one of the kids among them  eventually adopted me. They fed me well and took nice care of me. I was a street dog so I did not know how to live there. There also was a dog who was loved by everybody as she was obedient and did not bother anyone. Her name was given by their grandmother .Her name was Kanchi. As I got bigger I was moved to the terrace with kanchi .She did not like me in the beginning but we had to stay together so we had to make it . It was not as big as the street though but it was better than nothing. I was a playful puppy while Kanchi was always sleepy . Whenever I tried to play with her she was angry . I did not know much about living on the terrace so I was a bit messy. I used to love playing with clothes and stuff hanging around the rope. I got a lot of complaints from my neighbours and people living on rent in that house . I was sad . So, they always used to lock me up in my cage.Many months went and people kept complaining and they kept me in adoption but no one wanted me so, they had to take care of me .They found out I was not very happy and had small place as I was a street dog and had been staying in an open area so, they took me to their village and kept me their .WOW ! it was a beautiful place . I loved it and it was filled with nature . It has been two months now, I have made a lot of new friends .There are a lot of places for me to get to know and I am so happy to stay here. Sometimes I miss kanchi but she comes to visit me once in a while . I am so thankful to live here than in Kathmandu city. It's beautiful here!