
Student Corner

My Best Father

Written by: Sauharda Bajracharya - 24017, Grade V

Posted on: 18 September, 2018

I love my father. He is the head of the family and runs our family. Whenever he is out of the valley or country he brings various gifts for me. He loves me with no boundaries but sometimes he scolds me also whenever I go towards the wrong direction or make some mistakes. My father in simple is just like the coconut, hard from outside but soft from inside. He is a businessman by profession and he has to travel various cities and countries due to his works. Despite his hectic schedule, he manages time for me and my family. He always encourages me to study hard and become a successful person in future like him. He has friendship with various high ranking officials and because of him me and my family also gets chance to meet them. I am very much blessed to have a father like him and want to wish him a Happy Father’s Day.