
Student Corner

Society in The Giver

Written by: Sunabi Pokharel - 2024024, Grade VIII

Posted on: 01 March, 2021

I think the society described in the Giver was heading towards a dystopian society. In the society described in the giver, people were getting released which means getting killed for no proper reasons. Small children were released because they did not grow properly. If twins were born, the twin with less weight was released. When people reach a certain age and get old they are released. In society, when a person turns 12 an assignment is assigned to the child. I think that is not a good idea. The child might be good in a specific subject but might want to get involved in another profession. The government should not have the right to decide the future of the citizens. If any love or attraction arouses in anybody, they are given a pill that eradicates their natural feelings. The spouse is provided by the society but only to raise the children which are again provided on the basis of their application. Marriage in the giver is no marriage at all but only a paper-based legal contract. A birthmother gives birth to 3 babies and each family is only allowed to foster 2 babies and the same cycle repeats in society. The authority is trying to take control over citizen’s life which is not good at all. They are trying to create a perfect utopian society by making everything organized but in the process of creating a utopian society, they are creating a dystopian society. There is no love, freedom of choice, and differences, qualities that make humans. What makes a society utopian is a love, feelings, and freedom but the society mentioned in the novel has none of these qualities. It also proves that an ideal society perhaps can never exist. It may exist in our dream but never in reality. That’s why societies everywhere progress towards improvement but that doesn’t make them perfect.