
Student Corner

Do you believe Alien Life Exists?

Written by: Keshu Bade - 22007, Grade VII

Posted on: 21 March, 2019

I do have a belief in Alien Life. I think it’s true that they exist and we might see them in near future. I think they will attack the earth for resources and come back again and again. I vote for the existence of the alien life because our great scientist ‘Stephen Hawking’  has also talked about the alien life existence. They may be so different. The looks they possess might also be very frightening. But we cannot walk only with the pessimistic approach, if they are friendly there is no reason to get scared. We can just be like friends and they can be helpful towards us. I wonder how advanced materials might the aliens be using now. Also, if we are attacked or if the aliens are here to raid us we can defend them with full effort. This story of aliens just sounds like a joke but this all can be true in reality and it all may happen. So, I think we should be friends with them. In a way, still, I doubt that what if the aliens have the same life and living style as we do. The most interesting part after we become friends to them we travel galaxies to galaxies with ease.