
Student Corner

Movie Review

Written by: Riddhis Sharma - 2025012, Grade VII

Posted on: 30 December, 2020

Title: Stuart Little

Writer: E.B White

Director: Rob Minkoff

Characters: Snowbell, George little, Monty, Mrs.Eleanor little, Stuart little, Mr. Frederick little,  Uncle Crenshaw, Mrs. Camille Stout, Reginald stout, 


Setting :

The setting starts from the orphanage where Mrs. and Mr. Little go to get an orphan and a little brother to their son George. Next, the setting takes place in the house where Stuart ( the orphan, a mouse) almost gets eaten by the cat and where Stuart lives with his family.  Stuart’s room, where the cat comes and talks to Stuart, the laundry where Stuart gets stuck in the washing machine, the orphanage where the Littles go to find the whereabouts of Stuart's parents and the Stout’s house where Stuart goes to live are all important settings in the movie.


The Littles are a small family living in a small house consisting of Mr. Little, Mrs. Little, and George Little in New York City. The family goes to the orphanage to get George a little brother but the parents choose a mouse as their child and George is disappointed. The next morning, Mrs. Little called for the kids to get the clothes in the laundry and along with the clothes Stuart gets stuck in the washing machine, hopefully, Mrs. Little notices this in time and rescues him. The next day, they go out and they buy Stuart some clothes and then the party starts and Stuart gets gifts like normal kids. Some gifts were way too big for him. Stuart and George together make a boat for the boat race competition. This scene is really interesting and especially at the last moment when the remote control of the boat breaks down and Stuart steers the boat and wins the race. He goes through lots of adventures in the movies and also faces lots of difficulties especially saving himself from the cats including their pet, Snowbell who, however, later accepts Stuart as a family member.  Later in the story two mean mice; introducing themselves as Stuart’s parents take him away from his foster parents only to realize they were fake. Stuart manages to get back home but faces lots of hurdles including the street cats who wanted to devour him but Snowbell saves the day and they go home safely. In the end, the whole family is reunited and they live happily. 

My Favorite part:

My favorite part is when Snowbell saves Stuart from the street cats and accepts him as a family member. 


I liked the movie and I really recommend everyone to watch it. It’s wonderfully written and the movie is great to watch. It’s full of emotions and has everything you need like comedy, action, adventure and a bit sentimental as well but with a happy ending.