
Student Corner

Melting ice and its consequences

Written by: Riddhis Sharma - 2025021, Grade VII

Posted on: 27 December, 2020

There was a time, the earth was covered with ice all over. The ice was kilometers thick back then. Now the ice has undeniably reduced to such a low amount that only Greenland, Arctic, and Antarctica have ice that is kilometers thick excluding the mountain regions. Scientists today believe that the earth is getting warmer which is because of the harmful gases we let free on earth and which has resulted in the melting of ice at a faster rate. This can cause a global problem because the melting of the ice at such a rapid pace is not good news.  It will be the main cause of the rise in sea level which will flood many cities near the sea all over the world. Many Islands are already at the risk of being under the sea!

More importantly, the animals thriving in icy regions like penguins, polar bears, or seals are at the risk of getting extinct. Ice also helps to reflect the sunlight and help the earth in the cooling process. If the ice melts, it means global warming will increase and extinction might start from polar animals. These animals then might not exist in the future and it may even happen to us as well for we share the same planet. In today’s context, only humans can help to minimize global warming and save many species of planet earth including ourselves.