
Student Corner


Written by: Kristina Rai - 2026009, Grade VI

Posted on: 09 December, 2020

Well, you can have a lot of money, but still live a poor life and you can have no money at all, and live a really rich life. That is because what makes a person rich, isn't how much they have, it is how much they give. Now, a lot of people hesitate to give because they can't really find the difference but never forget when it comes to helping others, the size of your audience doesn't matter, when it comes to kindness, the size of your wallet doesn't matter. This is because when it comes to giving, the size of your heart is the only thing that matters. Everyone comes to this world bringing  nothing and leaves taking nothing. It is  what we do in between that makes all the difference.

Never forget, "You make a living by what you get but you make a life by what you give." The most regretful thing in life is failing to do any act of kindness. Kindness is not just helping the poor for just showing off. It isn't called kindness. It is done from inside the heart, with feelings, emotions and understanding the problems. Nowadays, the world is very much ahead than in the past centuries. Science and technology and everything has changed. People have changed too. We hear so much news that people are making the world a better place. And we, together can bring all the little kindness together from all of us. It starts from one person promising to be kind. Kindness is just a small act; it does not need a movie theater or a performing stage. It is a true emotion that tells how good you are. In fact, now we read in books, magazines or newspapers that if you perform just one random act of kindness, it will not only reduce your stress or depression it will make you and the person you showed kindness to healthier and happier. 

Everyone must understand that showing kindness is from inside and not from face. If you want to change yourself from now, then act now. We should be kind and always be happy and make people happy if we are changing this world. So the small act of kindness can change you and other people's lives. Hence, be kind.