
Student Corner

About Literacy Day

Written by: Albert Thapa - 23003, Grade VI

Posted on: 31 January, 2019

On 7th September 2018, there was a literacy day program in our school. We had a lot of fun that day. When we reached our school, in circle time our class teacher Ms. Roma came and told us about that day and who were selected for our storytelling. I was also one of them. After circle time our first period was Nepali. We didn’t study but we made what we were going to do in the presentation with our group and we made a character sketch. We already had made a chart paper sketch in English; The BFG so, it was easy for us to prepare the Nepali one describing  “वनभोजको फूल”. And we were able to make it easily and nicely. I was not there with my group for around 20 minutes as I have been to the sketch and story-telling. We also asked for a chart paper, marker and kite paper from Ms. Yukta. Our sister Monika also helped us. After some time she had to go to her class so she left. After some time we were said to assemble in the ground with our works. And parents, friends, brother, and sister including even my mother and father were there to congratulate us. I felt very proud to be the group captain. We also did a lot of hard work during that day.